-------------------- What is Buck Rogers in the 25th Century? -------------------- |
To view in its own window (or if you do not see a scrollable text window), click here. |
-------------------- Game Master's Notes -------------------- |
What I like about Buck Rogers in the 25th Century To view in its own window (or if you do not see a scrollable text window), click here. What I DO NOT like about Buck Rogers in the 25th Century To view in its own window (or if you do not see a scrollable text window), click here. |
-------------------- Player's Notes -------------------- |
<Insert Player's Notes Here>
-------------------- Game Data -------------------- |
Current Game Data
Past Oregon Chapter Game Data |
-------------------- New Stuff -------------------- |
The "New Stuff" has been developed from GM and player ideas, the comic modules, the novels, the two computer games, the need discovered for more stuff through game play, and from other non-XXVc sources. With the exception of "For GM's Eyes ONLY", the New Stuff below has been incorporated into our Characters & Combat Player's Supplement. |
-------------------- Downloads -------------------- |
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Characters & Combat© Player's Supplement This work contains thirteen hyper linked Microsoft Word 2000® files (total size 3mb) which includes: a Table of Contents (for printing only); Index and Introduction; Player Character Ability Scores; Player Character Races; Player Character Careers (includes a separate appendix for Advanced Training Schools); Skills; Outfitting (includes a separate equipment list); Combat (includes a separate weapons list); Rocket Ships; Roleplaying. Please note, that this work does include "house rules" and other specific information for our vision of the game.
[To save a copy of the book, please right-click on each of the thirteen links above and select "Save Target As..." and save the file to your local drive. Because of the hyper links, you will need to save all the files into the same folder.] |
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Character Sheet This Microsoft Excel 2000® (size 489kb) character sheet was created by David F. It is a quick and easy-to-use electronic form. This sheet has been modified for use with "house rules", however, the standard rules are still supported.
[This sheet contains a macro for "starting money" and "bank account" number; To save a copy of the sheet, please right- click on the thumbnail and select "Save Target As..." and save the file to your local drive.] |
-------------------- Links -------------------- |
Fantastic site with new characters (including a new Buck), a mission, new equipment, new ships, gennies, reviews, a character sheet, and other resources. |
Good site with excellent background/storyline information, complete products list, and more. |
About RAGG | The Founders | Oregon chapter | RAGG News | Dark Conspiracy | Dungeons & Dragons | eMail | Site Disclaimer |