-------------------- News --------------------


Happy 8th Anniversary

Memorial Day 1997 to Memorial Day 2005

Once again I am extremely proud to say... Happy Anniversary!

What more can I say once again, but thank you.

Thank you for staying together and playing these past eight years. Thank you for playing through the good times and bad times, both fantasy and real. Thank you for playing through AD&D, D&D 3e, Dark Conspiracy, Buck Rogers, and the other games. Thank you for playing with the various Dungeon Masters, Game Masters, Referees, and all the other players.  And more importantly, thank you for playing steadily for these last eight years.  And to those others who came, went, and returned ... welcome back.  The group's loyalty, dedication, and friendship shows in its longevity.

Kevin L. DM/GM


-------------------- Events --------------------


 There are no new events to report at this time.


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