-------------------- Memorable Characters --------------------


The Heroes of Damiano

Raven An Amazon sorceress, she was known and feared by many as, "The Pirate Hunter."  She was co-founder of the Krystalglyder Shipping Company and hunted any pirates that threatened the company ships.  She made very powerful enemies when she went on a crusade to eliminate the Red Skull Legion.
Moonsong His only goal in life was to have sex with every form of compatible humanoid female (in any genre game) and not get caught by their husbands.  However, to be found-out-about was ok.  This even included a very hungry vampire.  Eventually, he was hunted down and captured by the hillbilly family of Halfling girl (one he had not touched) and married in a crossbow wedding.
Jandor Always on the look out for a little extra gold, he was hired for an assassination and setup by a local Thief's Guild.  He was caught by Petunia (a soon to be new party member) and executed for an accidental assassination (the target had actually fallen on his own sword).
Leza A modest ranger who could not track and a legend in her own time.  She was known as "Leza the One Eyed Dragon Slayer" (having been credited with killing four blacks and two greens with a single blow each); Lord Oakgrove, the lord of Dragon's Perch Castle; Governor Oakgrove, Governor Pro Tem of Amzorak province; and founder of the Krystalglyder Shipping Company.  All this just to be turned into a mindless automaton during a card game.

He was immortalized in poetry after being eaten by a dragon turtle.

Ode to Valak

A mountain man, good in a fight;

    A hunter, known for awesome might.

An angry barbarian, who’d fight any foe;

    A sleepy warrior, who’d never use a bow.

A human, dwarves admired;

    A giant, women desired.

A curious fellow, few understood;

    A brave man, dragon turtles thought tasted good.


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