Table of Contents
Civil War Units
Artillery Units
Cavalry Units
Infantry Units
Regimental Bands
Naval Units
Irish Related Sites
Other Civil
War Sites
Medical Sites
Northwest Civil War Council, our higher headquarters.
Meagher's Irish Brigade,links to other Irish Civil War units.
Fort Tejon Historical Association
Living History Marine, The - U.S. Marines in the Civil War
Military Division of the Mississippi
Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery - Durell's Independent Battery D
Rail-Splitters Mess (US 15th Regulars)
Soldier's Gazette (22nd Michigan/ 8th Arkansas)
Sykes Regulars (US 2nd and 4th Regulars)
1st Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery, Battery A "Chicago Light Artillery"
1st Kentucky Cavalry & Horse Artillery
1st Michigan Light Artillery, 3rd Battery
1st Michigan Light Artillery, Battery D
1st New Jersey Light Artillery, Clark's Battery B
1st New York Light Artillery, Battery I "Wiedrich's Battery"
1st New York Light Artillery, Battery L "Reynolds Battery"
1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery K
1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery L
1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery I "Dilger's Battery"
1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Cooper's Battery B
1st Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery B
1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery F
1st U.S. Artillery, Light Co. I
2nd Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Regiment
2nd Illinois Light Artillery, Battery G
2nd Massachusetts Light Artillery, Nims Battery
2nd U.S. Artillery, Horse Co. A
3rd Kansas Artillery, Battery B
3rd U.S. Field Artillery, C Battery
5th Massachusetts Battery (E), Light Artillery, Army of the Potomac
10th Massachusetts Battery, Light Artillery
1st New Hampshire Volunteer Cavalry, Co. K
2nd Massachusetts Cavalry, Co. A
6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. G
15th New York Cavalry "The Red Neck Ties"
1st Kansas Volunteer Infantry, Co. A, D & I
1st Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, Co. B
1st Michigan Colored Infantry (U.S. 102nd Colored Troops)
1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, Co. D "The Lincoln Guards"
1st Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
1st New York Volunteer Engineers
1st Pennsylvania Reserves, Co. K "The Adams Infantry"
1st Pennsylvania Rifles, Co. B "Bucktails"
1st Pennsylvania Rifles, Co. K "Bucktails"
1st U.S. Infantry, Co. A, C & D
2nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
2nd Rhode Island Volunteers, Co. F
2nd Wisconsin Infantry, Co.H "The Randall Guards"
3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. F
3rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
3rd Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry
4th Michigan Infantry Regiment, Co. A
4th Michigan Infantry Regiment, Co. K
5th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. A "Duryee's Zouaves"
5th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. C "Duryee's Zouaves"
5th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers
7th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
7th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
7th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
8th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. C
8th Missouri Volunteer Infantry
8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
8th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Co. A
8th Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
8th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, U.S.
9th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
9th Kentucky U.S. Regiment Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
9th Pennsylvania Reserves Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
10th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
11th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
11th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
11th New Jersey Volunteers, Co. E
12th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
14th Brooklyn, New York State Militia "Red Legged Devils"
14th Brooklyn, New York State Militia, Co. E
14th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. G
14th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
14th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Co. G
14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Co. H
14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Co. K
15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
15th U.S. Infantry, 1st Battalion, Co. A
17th Connecticut, Co. H, Infantry
17th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. K
19th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (German)
20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. F
20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. G
20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Co. D "The Harvard Regiment"
22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
24 Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. C
24 Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. D
24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment
26th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment - Austin Mess
26th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. K
26th Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers
27th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Co. A, C & H
29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. H
32nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. B "First German"
33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Co. E "The Rock County Ploughboys"
35th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment
36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Co. K
41st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry
42nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. H
42nd Pennsylania Volunteer Infantry, Co. G "Elk County Rifles"
42nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
43rd New York Volunteer Infantry "Albanu Rifles"
44th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
45th New York Volunteer Infantry (a.k.a. The 5th German Rifles)
47th New York State Volunteers "The Washigton Grays"
47th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. K
48th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. D
48th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. F "Perry's Saints"
49th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. F
49th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. D
49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. H
50th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. E "Old Reliable"
51st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
52nd New York State Volunteers
53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. C
54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Co. I
54th Massachusetts Glory Brigade
55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry (Sweden)
55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Co. F "The Bushnell Light Guards"
56th New York Volunteer Infantry "Tenth Legion"
61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
63rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. G
67th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. K, 1st Regiment Long Island Volunteers
69th New York State Volunteers, Co. A
69th New York State Volunteers, Co. C (Ireland)
69th New York State Volunteers, Co. C (California)
69th New York Volunteer Infantry, 1st Regiment "Irish Brigade" (UK)
69th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
72nd New York Volunteer Infantry
74th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
76th New York State Volunteers, Co. H
79th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. A "Highlanders"
79th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. C "Cameron Highlanders"
79th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
81st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. K
83rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. K
84th Indiana Infantry (Tar Water Mess)
87th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
88th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
97th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
98th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co A
100th PennsylvaniaVolunteer Infantry, Co. K
104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. C
105th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
107th New York State Volunteers
107th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. E "Collis' Zouaves"
114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A "Collis' Zouaves"
116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. I "The Irish Brigade"
121st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. H
122nd Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry
124th New York State Volunteers "Orange Blossoms"
125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry "Opdyke Tigers"
136th New York State Volunteers "The Ironclads"
140th New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
146th New York Volunteer Infantry
155th New York Volunteer Infantry
173rd New York State Volunteer Infantry, My old unit from Texas.
4th Artillery Regimental Brass Band
28th Pennsylvania Regimental Brass Band
33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band
125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Fife and Drum Corps.
The Sergeant's Guard - U.S. Marine Civil War Reenactors
U.S.S. Kearsage Afterguard and Marine Detachment
The Erin Go Bragh Foundation, A non-profit organization wanting to build a museum in a large metropolitan city dedicated to Irish-American Heritage.
The Wild Geese, Erin's far flung exiles.
The Irish Volunteers, A site designed by our esteemed leader, Michael Mullaney. His site will appeal to those who have an interest in Irish soldiers who served and fought during the American Civil War. And if your here, you obviously do!
Haunted Field Music David Kincaid, Orderly Sergeant, Co. I, 116th PVI, has his music, "David Kincaid - The Irish Volunteer, Songs of the Irish Union Soldier, 1861-1865, for sale at this webpage. It also contains historic background on the research done to make the album, sound bytes, and ordering information.
Milk Creek Merchantile Co. Members of the 116th PVI, thank you very much.
C&D Jarnagin Co., tinware, uniforms, weapons, leather goods
Fall Creek Suttlery, uniforms, civilian clothing
Dixie Gun Works,leather goods, firearms, uniforms, civilian clothing
Allen's Laurel Hill Sutlery, makers of Civil War uniforms for over 10 years.
The Confederate Network, One of the oldest and largest Internet resourses dealing with the War between the Staes.
The UNofficial 116th PVI Home Page, The ULTIMATE in web flattery!
U.S. Army War College and Carlisle Barracks
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Jonah World, Home of Jonah Begone.
National Museum of Civil War Medicine
Bohemian Brigade Bookshop and publishers, they make reproduction medical instruments.
Military Medical History Research and Education Foundation
U.S. Sanitary Commission - Department of the Gulf
Private Michael Martin
Cpt Michael Mullaney
1st Lt. Kevin
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