116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Company B
Updated 07-2001
116th PVI at Willamette Mission State
Park, July 2001
One Hundred-Sixteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company
B, is a non-profit organization devoted to preserving the history of the
American Civil War through the portrayl of this unit's activities while
attatched to the Army of the Potomac, circa 1863. Our unit portrays not
only Union Infantry, but, we also have a fantastic fife and drum corp,
and civilian reenactors. For the purpose of demonstrating regional historic
events, the organizations also portrays the Fourth California Volunteer
Infantry Regiment, Company D, a unit that garrisoned forts in the Willamette
Valley from 1861-1866.
God Save Ireland
If you are interested in joining our organization, or have questions on upcoming events, please contact us.
Private Michael Martin
Cpt Michael Mullaney
1st Lt. Kevin
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your
and the rain fall soft upon your
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm
of his hand.
- Irish Blessing
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