AD&D is an RPG that one can play! The basic genre (medieval/wizard/warrior) is familiar enough that it is easy for most players, experienced or novice, to jump into. It allows Role-playing as opposed to Roll-playing, permitting the use of wonderful story-telling and interaction between characters without interference from an overly complex or intrusive system. The vastness of the AD&D system allows the development of a nearly infinite variety of player characters (PCs). PCs can be developed with personalities that resemble a "real" person with real concerns about such things as their personal safety and well-being instead of just mindless automatons that attack at the slightest provocation and fight to the death.

     The control the DM has over the game, instead of the game over the DM. In comparison to other games where the "rules" control the game, AD&D has enough flexibility that a DM can do what he wants or needs to do and not have to memorize to many rules ... or argue with players who have.

[Composite answer gleaned from the experiences of the group members]



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