Ritual of Release
Nadya King

If you or a loved one are in need of healing, please spend some time
formulating your request & setting your intention for a positive change.

Sit quietly & focus on what you see as the problem area, formulating a symbol or picture for it.

How does this issue negatively effect your life? What emotions are linked to this issue? Are you ready to transform them into pure energy? What have you done to try to shift this in the past? See each of these steps building on the last; have you built a bridge to your next step?

Imagine a host of allies, angels, divine guides circling around you to assist in the transformation of this issue, for the highest good of all.

Allow the angels & guides to assist you in dissolving or transforming the symbol into something of radiant beauty; a flower, a waterfall, a cloud.

Now let the image fade, & as it does so, imagine the guides & angels lifting it to a higher level, & feel the weight of the issue lifting from your shoulders & being. Thank them for their assistance.

Drink a glass of pure water, & allow it to continue cleansing & purifying you of all that has been released.

You may wish to use a Flower Essence Bouquet to support the shift.

Ground yourself & go on about your day.

You may wish to take a bath with epsom salts if you are working on a particularly troublesome issue. At the end of the day, recall the beautiful image, & send it healing light of any colour you choose. Spend a few minutes focusing on the image, then letting it dissolve as before.

This process can be used anytime you feel health concerns or other issues weighting you down.
You can e-mail me @ ladyharp@onlinemac.com for assistance in transforming issues or with healing or prayer requests. Your guides & angels are always ready to help you, too!

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